Facial (skin care)
A facial is a common and widely popular skincare treatment. It is a multi-step manual treatment that generally takes an hour and so to perform. Right from when you walk into the clinic to when you come out with radiant and younger looking skin, you will feel you are in a beauty heaven. It is an amazing and easiest way to do away with a stressful week that seriously affected your skin. If you want to take your skincare game up a notch and want to give it an extra TLC rather than the everyday cleansing toning moisturising, get a facial and turn your dull and dreary skin into flawless and healthy one. It can get you rid of your pesky skin problems and give you a healthy looking skin in just an hour. It is an excellent and proven skincare treatment for achieving glowing skin.
Steps involved in a facial
As we mentioned earlier, a facial is a multi-step treatment that packs a number of skincare activities into one beneficial process. It starts with cleansing your face with a gentle cleanser to get all the dirt, sweat and oil off from face. It involves getting the makeup off, cleaning grime and dirt from face to unlock clean and fresh skin. The next step is steaming which helps moisturise and relax your skin and opens pores for better cleansing. This is followed up with exfoliation with a scrub to remove deep settled oil and dirt, blackheads and whiteheads. Next step is the face massage. Usually done with a facial cream, face massage is the most relaxing part of the facial. It helps uplift your skin, tone it and hydrate it from within. Then you are pampered with 15-20 minutes of face masking session to give that extra boost of hydration and relax your skin. Then, it is toning time. The pores that open during steaming close during toning. It cleans your skin thoroughly and maintains the pH balance. The facial is then wrapped up with a face pack and then a nourishing moisturiser to lock in the moisture and keep skin healthy and hydrated.
Types of facial
There are a lot of facial treatments available in the beauty world for every skin type, occasion and age group. With a new one introducing every other day such as LED facial, salt facial and crystal facial, you will never run out of options. The basic ones include a hydrating fruit facial, brightening facial, cleansing facial and more, while the more advanced ones like paraffin facials, chemical peel facials, de tan facials and collagen facials are specific to skin problems and age.
For example, if you are struggling with breakouts, you can get an anti-acne facial which uses skincare products that help your acne-prone skin. Similarly, an anti-ageing facial will help you curb the visible aging signs such as wrinkles, fine lines, crow’s feet, dark spots, dullness and dark circles. Also, for special occasions like wedding or a glamourous affair, there are facials that give you a glow of a lifetime. You can also opt for a fun and relaxing facial like a chocolate facial or therapeutic facials to wind down and chill after a hectic week.
The results of a facial
Let’s end this comprehensive guide on facials and what you can expect from them by finding out what really is the outcome of these facial treatments. Apart from doing away with your skin issues, facials leave your skin incredibly soft and plump. You notice a visible glow on your skin and a brighter and radiant complexion. Regular facials can keep aging signs at bay and keep your skin from sagging for much longer as face massages during facials work on making skin firmer and younger. It has long lasting results and can help you maintain clear and healthy skin that is well-hydrated and spotless. After getting a facial, you might have to wait for a couple of days for the effects to show on your skin and thus it is recommended to get a facial 2-3 days before any special event. But once you have experienced the pampering beauty treatment, which is also the best way to care for your skin, and seen its excellent results on your face, there’s no going back.