Fat Transfer (Fat Injection, Fat Grafting)
Fat transfer is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure. It uses your fat to enhance your cheeks, jaw line, chin, butt or other body parts. Fat transfer can provide a plumper, more youthful look and repair scars. Dermatologists also perform fat transfer for reconstructive surgery.
Fat Transfer


Fat Transfer


Fat Transfer

There are several terms used to describe the transfer of fat from one part of the body to another. Some examples include fat grafting, autologous fat transfer, fat injection and lipofilling. All these terms describe the technique of using fat as a natural filler to improve the appearance of the face.
Fat transfer aims to rejuvenate the face by enhancing the volume, altering the contours and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. It helps to restore the fullness of the facial tissues that are lost with aging. It has also been shown to improve the quality and the texture of the skin. Facial rejuvenation with fat transfer is used commonly in areas such as the cheeks, jawline, chin, temples and for wrinkles around the mouth (marionette lines, nasolabial lines).
Fat transfer rejuvenates the face by changing the volume and contour but only minimally lifts or tightens tissues. Patients with significant laxity or sagging of facial and neck skin may benefit more from a face lift and/or neck lift. You will discuss the options for facial rejuvenation that are best suited to you and your goals during your consultation with your dermatologist.